Desk Appearance Ticket Defense Results
Public Lewdness / Exposure (P.L. 245.00) - Manhattan - Client was arrested for exposing himself in a train station - As the owner of his business, client faced several possible consequences of any conviction in addition to the danger of a criminal record for lewdness, a misdemeanor sex offense - Case successfully resolved with no probation, no jail, criminal record, all records sealed.
Criminal mischief (PL 145.00) - Manhattan - Client, a college student, was arrested for breaking property belonging to an establishment valued in excess of $250. After being arrested and charged with criminal mischief on a desk appearance ticket, client contacted us for help. After reviewing the criminal complaint, we noticed certain legal issues and pointed this out to the prosecutor. Case successfully resolved with a dismissal - no criminal record - client not even required to pay for the damage
Assault (P.L. 120.00) - Brooklyn - Client was pushed into another person and charged with assault - Successfully avoided case being filed in court, all records sealed
Theft of Services (PL 165.15) - Client was issued an Appearance Ticket after not paying for a table and several bottles of liquor at a prestigious night club - Case dismissed, all records sealed
Shoplifting – Clothing valued at $120.00 recovered from client's hand after exiting store – Client was not a citizen, planning to apply for Green Card - Case dismissed, no criminal record, no immigration consequences (link to immigration page)
Driving w/ Suspended License (VTL 511, 509) - Manhattan - Client confessed to the arresting officer - no criminal record, small fine
Aggravated Harassment (P.L. 240.30) - Brooklyn - Successfully avoided case ever being filed in court - all records sealed
Shoplifting - Client attempted to leave with several clothing items - Client had a criminal history – Case dismissed
Trespassing (P.L. 140.15) - The Bronx - case dismissed - no criminal record - no fines
Subway Offense - Client was issued an Appearance Ticket for using someone else's senior metrocard - Case scheduled to be dismissed on the first court appearance
Shoplifting -Sephora – Client charged with leaving a store with over $1,000.00 of merchandise – Criminal charges dropped, record sealed
Subway Offense - Client issued an Appearance Ticket for jumping over the turnstile - Client faced criminal charges - Case dismissed, all records sealed
Leaving the Scene of an Accident (VTL 600) - Manhattan - Client, a livery driver, was charged with hitting a pedestrian on the West Side Highway without stopping. Alleged victim planned a costly civil suit - Case dismissed because of procedural error
Shoplifting - Client attempted to leave with $800.00 of clothing - All charges dismissed
Assault (P.L. 120.00) - Queens – Client charged with assault after physical confrontation with neighbor regarding a dog – All criminal charges dropped, records sealed
Shoplifting - Manhattan -Client caught with clothing hidden in client's purse while attempting to leave store - client was applying for citizenship - All charges dropped, no immigration consequences (link to immigration page)
Shoplifting (P.L. 155.25) – Manhattan – Client went to a different floor in Macy’s before paying for merchandise valued at $600 – Client was not a U.S. Citizen and faced possible deportation – Case dismissed, no immigration consequences (link to immigration page)
Assault (P.L. 120.00) - Manhattan - Client observed striking another individual outside a bar - case eventually dismissed -all records sealed - no fines
Assault (P.L. 120.00) – Manhattan – Client struck a stranger on a sidewalk – I was able to show police made a mistake - case dismissed