New York Desk Appearance Ticket Defense Attorney
Have you been accused of stalking or harassment?
The term "stalking" refers to a wide variety of conduct that makes the victim feel afraid of the stalker. Although this type of charge is often discussed in the context of a person who obsessively follows another (such as a celebrity stalker), it can be charged based on phone calls, emails, or other electronic media. A stalking charge generally requires some level of intentional behavior on the part of the stalker so if you didn't know the consequences of your actions, this may be beneficial. Harassment is very similar but is generally charged in situations with less duration or frequency of contact.
A misdemeanor charge for stalking can involve any of the following:
- Incessant phone calls
- Incessant text messages or emails
- Harassing communication from a third party
- Relentlessly following another person despite requests to stop
If you have been accused of stalking or harassing someone in New York, you could be contacted by the police. If you speak with the police without a lawyer, you could accidentally strengthen the case against you. Following arrest, an order of protection could be issued against you. If the case goes further and you are convicted, then the penalties you could face will be serious and lasting. Never speak to the police or go to court without contacting a lawyer first. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can help.
Common Charges for Harassment & Stalking in New York
If you were given a desk appearance ticket for stalking or harassment, you should immediately contact a New York desk appearance ticket defense attorney at The Law Office of Lance Fletcher PLLC.
Consult the firm if you have been ticketed for any of the following:
- P.L. 120.45 Stalking in the fourth degree
- P.L. 120.50 Stalking in the third degree
- P.L. 240.30 Aggravated harassment
- P.L. 240.26 Harassment
Avoid Conviction.
As a former prosecutor and experienced defense attorney, Mr. Fletcher is prepared to fight charges that have been made against you. Mr. Fletcher will demand that the prosecutor turn over all allegedly offensive communications to see if the State's case has any merit. If this is your first arrest, Mr. Fletcher can explore ways to keep your record clean.
Possible Penalties for a Harassment / Stalking Conviction:
- Up to one year in jail
- Up to three years of probation
- Restitution
- An order of protection (also called a stay-away order)
- A permanent criminal record
- Immigration / International travel consequences
- Employment consequences
Contact The Law Office of Lance Fletcher PLLC to get started on your defense today.